An Inheritance is the result of a will or estate planning of a loved one and could be helpful to family members left behind. Those who are looking to leave an inheritance may look to firms similar to estate planning spokane who can help with the division of assets. If you have received an inheritance or anticipate receiving one in the future, this article may answer many of your questions. The process of claiming an inheritance can be quite complex, and it helps to understand the basics and to be aware of potential tax liabilities. If you are involved in receiving an inheritance, it is important that you are fully covered legally, and it might be a good idea to have a look at somewhere like, as they may be able to offer you the legal support that you need.

An inheritance is generally received after all applicable taxes have been paid along with any outstanding liabilities the decedent may have had. Exactly how the estate is handled will depend upon whether the assets were owned individually or in a trust. Without going into the intricacies of estates, trusts, and probate, the result for a beneficiary will generally be the same. Inherited items on which the decedent had already paid taxes and for which the estate tax (if any) has been paid will pass to the beneficiary tax-free. On the other hand, items of income that had not previously been taxed to the beneficiary and any appreciation or depreciation of assets acquired from the decedent will have tax implications. Some possible scenarios are provided below:

  • Bank Account – Take, for instance, an inherited bank account worth $25,000, where the funds are not immediately distributed to the heir. The $25,000 account earns $375 of interest income after the decedent’s date of death. Out of the $25,375 that is received, the $25,000 is tax-free, but the $375 is taxable as interest income.
  • Capital Asset –The basis for gain or loss from the sale of an inherited capital asset, such as stock, real estate, collectibles, etc., is generally based on the value of the asset at the time of the decedent’s death. This is one reason that qualified appraisals are so important.To explain this further, let’s assume that a vacant parcel of land is inherited with a date of death appraisal that values it at $15,000. If that property is sold for a net price of $15,000, there is neither gain nor loss and the $15,000 is tax-free to the beneficiary. If, on the other hand, the net sales price is more or less than the $15,000, there would be a reportable capital gain or loss. For capital gains tax purposes, the holding period is important. Assets held over one year are generally taxed at substantially less than those held for a shorter period of time. However, for inherited property, the beneficiary receives long-term treatment immediately, whether or not the decedent or the beneficiary had held it over one year. This is one of many factors to consider in pensioner property values. If there are expenses associated with selling the asset, then those expenses are deductible in figuring the gain or loss.
  • IRA or other Qualified Plan – Suppose the decedent had a traditional IRA account and the distributions from that account were taxable to the decedent. If you inherit that account, the distributions will be taxable to you as the beneficiary. Why is that? Because the decedent had never paid taxes on the income that went to fund the traditional IRA and therefore you, the beneficiary, will be stuck with the tax liability. The good news is that there are options for taking the income over a number of years, which can soften the tax blow.
  • Life Insurance Proceeds – Generally, the proceeds from a life insurance policy are tax-free to the heirs. However, if the policy is not paid immediately, as most are not, the insurance company will include interest. That interest is taxable to the heirs.
  • Annuities and Installment Sale Notes – If the decedent purchased an annuity or had an installment sale note from the property he previously sold, the decedent’s basis will be tax-free, but the heirs will be obligated to pay tax on any amount received in excess of the decedent’s basis. For an annuity, the decedent’s basis would be what he paid for it. For an installment note, payments include: (1) a return of a portion of the asset’s cost (basis), which is not taxable; (2) a portion from the prior sale of the asset, which is taxable as a capital gain; and (3) taxable interest on the note.

A trust or estate is required to file an income tax return and to report income earned by the estate or trust after the decedent’s passing and before the assets are distributed to the heirs. Each heir will generally receive a form called Schedule K-1(1041). It will include that heir’s share of income and must be included on the heir’s individual tax return. However, this may change if your siblings dispute your parents will, read more about this at the Frank Wilson PC website. Although infrequent because the taxes are generally higher, the trust or estate may pay the income tax on the income. The executor or trustee is responsible for making sure the required tax returns are filed and for sending K-1s to the heirs.

There may be taxable income to the heir even though the inheritance has not yet been received. In addition, there are other factors to consider that have not been discussed. Therefore, during your tax appointment, it is important to let us know if you are expecting an inheritance.